Herbert Wise

Herbert Wise


Wasswa Herbert | Herbert Wise Music

Wasswa Herbert known as Herbert Wise is a Contemporary Praise and Worship Born Again Christian, talented Afro_Soul Gospel Music Artist, composer, insp ...
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Artist Biography

Wasswa Herbert known as Herbert Wise is a Contemporary Praise and Worship Born Again Christian, talented Afro_Soul Gospel Music Artist, composer, inspirational and biblical lyrical song writer, pianist, guitarist. Herbert Wise is a civil engineer and a teacher by profession and also a teacher of word, He started his music journey in 2018, but professionally started in 2020 where his calling and talent sprouted out. Herbert says; "my songs base on themes of love, wisdom, encouragement, divine connection and mainly to bring out the message of hope from The Almighty God to his people (Preaching The Gospel)." He has number of soul music like Gwasukka, Keep On Moving, Nzize, Osobola, Maama and many more out and in the store.

Herbert Wise

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