Brian Lubega

Brian Lubega


Brian Lubega | Brian Lubega Music

BRIAN LUBEGA (Artist Biography, Lyrics and Albums). Uganda. Brian is a Ugandan gospel recording artist, a song writer, music director, teacher of the ...
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Artist Biography

BRIAN LUBEGA (Artist Biography, Lyrics and Albums). Uganda. Brian is a Ugandan gospel recording artist, a song writer, music director, teacher of the word ...
One day, the scripture union fellowship hosted guest ministers. When the group was invited to minister, they opted for a student from the congregation to lead the praise and worship session. It indeed would have been an ordinary fellowship had another student seized the opportunity. No one did and that is what made the difference. The guests beckoned again and this time Brian was hurled off his chair by an instant force. Up he went, and with a microphone in hand, he sang song after song. With closed eyes, he soon reached deep levels of worship that he did not notice students gratuitously dropping money at the pulpit. And when he thought the curtain had come down for the day, God was not finished with him yet.
One of the ministers had a prophecy for him. He was to be used by God to touch many lives. Brian is certain that while the minister forgot both the message and the young lad that received the message, he himself did not. He cached the words meticulously in his heart and in them he found purpose. Although circumstances made him leave the school, the fellowship, and his brethren, Brian never deserted his God. At his new school, he took up leadership as a liturgy prefect. The opportunities to minister were immense. At a young age, he was always preaching. He preached everywhere, anywhere; on the streets, fellowships, hostels, and neighboring villages. He was sold out for the gospel and sometimes returned to the hostel beyond supper time. Through divine providence, however, he always had something to eat. A neighboring lady who cared for him as her son always preserved dinner for him. Those were his school days, characterized by books and the gospel. If he was not reading, he was in the field harvesting souls for Jesus. His life was largely marked by the ministry. On Sundays, Brian was always at Church by 5 or 6 am while the rest usually streamed in at 10 am and beyond. The keyboard had to be collected from a far destination, so he resolved to be an early bird having perceived that setting up machines often delayed the service. His dogged commitment often led him to arrive for church service first and leave last. His life was consecrated to the church ministry. When the young and zealous Brian needed further training, Youth for Christ beckoned. This youth fellowship immensely harnessed his leadership skills, enabling him to trot the country while preaching the good news of Jesus Christ. Although their primary vocation was to shepherd the youth, they also went about preaching and this gave the zealous youth the much-needed exposure while in the field. After completing Senior six, University education wasn’t an option seeing that his mother had gone to be with the Lord. While vacists in his year beamed with the excitement of joining Uni, Brian’s eyes were fixed on joining Bible college. He did not flinch a bit at the thought of missing out on tertiary education. He soon joined Bible college without any further ponderance. While yet relishing the excitement of learning the Bible, a rare opportunity banged on his door. A UK institute sought to train ministers in the work of the ministry for a two-year period. Brian was engrossed in the ministry and had just studied two semesters in the Bible college. He was suddenly faced with a gloomy prospect of being away from the church that he loved and that heavily relied on his service. How about Bible school? Was he to let go and take the offer? After prolonged persuasion from the leaders of Youth for Christ, he perceived that bettering himself was more valuable to the ministry he loved. The preparations soon began and he quickly applied for a passport and visa and took an English proficiency test. In the U.k, the institute had a rigorous volunteer program. Had he thought he was traveling to the UK for a smooth ride, he was in for gross disappointment. Whether it was snowing or shining, he had to show up at the grocery shop he had been assigned. It was while in the UK, surrounded by native English speakers, that he was prompted to start singing in Luganda. There was something about singing Luganda in an English man’s land that captivated Brian. Maybe it was homesickness; the lack of someone to speak his language with that made singing an enchantment. Or we can say, everything was merely working together for good. When he returned, he lost no time and soon embarked on songwriting. He was indebted to God for his faithfulness. Even though he was an orphan, God had opened crazy doors for him. Had it been God’s faithfulness or His sheer grace? He had been too good to him and while the English song title ‘I am grateful’ was sufficient, Nsiimye communicated his heart better. He thus composed a song to match the grateful beat in his heart. He has since stuck to Luganda. To him, his language articulates praise to his God better and so his songs are ultimately in Luganda. Having spent a while home and having blown his snow earned money on unwise and unguided investments, Brian decided to look for a job. Armed with his U.K papers, it took him one search to land a coveted job. He is not sure why it took a while but the day he came from his interview, a voice vividly told him that the job he sought would frustrate his God-ordained purpose. As one who is not bent on having his way or being away from God he sings poems to, he would only cry as the phone rung with the call pregnant with good news. It was a tough decision, he had siblings to take care of yet Brian has not fathomed how the job would thwart his God-given purpose. He is just glad that he is in the middle of God’s will for his life. That is the beginning and end of it all. Pastor Brian has so far written over 15 songs and has recorded 2 albums: Nungamya and Wegukubira. Since beats have not ceased to rhythm in his heart, I am confident that more is yet to come.

Brian Lubega

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